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Let's study Japanese common words with Ringo
Here Ringo will show you some of first common words that he memorized that he study.
*Note: Please share more common words that you found during your first study Japanese language.
Here the some words:
わたし。 = Watashi = I
おはよう。 = Ohayoo = Good morning
おはようございます。 = Ohayoo gozaimasu = Good morning (Polite)
こんにちは。 = Konnichiwa = Good afternoon
こんばんわ。 = Konbanwa = Good evening
さようなら。 = Sayoonara = Good-bye
おやすみなさい = Oyasuminasai = Good night
ありがとう。 = Arigatoo = Thank you
ありがと ございます。 = Arigatoo gozaimasu = Thank you (Polite)
Here one example phase words that Ringo learn during his first study Japanese language:
Ringo: Mina-san, Ohayoo gozaimasu
Other: Ohayoo gozaimasu, Ringo-san
**If there have some mistake words you can correct the words by comment below. Remember Ringo is newbie person he don’t know about japan language that’s why he study with all of you.
And that's all from Ringo :)
“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” ― Atwood H. Townsend
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