Jumaat, 29 April 2016

11:16 PG - No comments

Let's Learn Hiragana and Katakana

Exactly Ringo study Hiragana and Katakana before this website is make that's mean Ringo already know how to write Hiragana and Katakana. Ringo learn Hiragana and Katakana for 2 Weeks. but many told Ringo some person can memorized Hiragana and Kantana less than 1 Weeks. Maybe Ringo is too slow to study Japanese. But it's ok, he already know Hiragana and Katakana

They are many method to study and remember Hiragana and Katakana. but for this we use Ringo method

**Note: This method use by Ringo and you can share your method just by comment below :). On the picture below it's only show 46 basic Japanese letter or called it gojuon. if you want to know more please click link Here it include many more Japanese letter.

How Ringo study Hiragana and Katakana .

First Ringo take his Note book and google Hitagana and Katakana Picture.

Click link here for the picture

Then Ringo study 1 weeks for Hiragana and 1 weeks for Katakana. and for first day he take Hiragana letter and he write to his note book like this:

あ、い、う、え、お  か、き、く、け、こ  さ、し、す、せ、そ       ん
あ、い、う、え、お  か、き、く、け、こ  さ、し、す、せ、そ       ん
あ、い、う、え、お  か、き、く、け、こ  さ、し、す、せ、そ       ん
あ、い、う、え、お  か、き、く、け、こ  さ、し、す、せ、そ       ん
あ、い、う、え、お  か、き、く、け、こ  さ、し、す、せ、そ and Continue to ん

He repeat the letter for 5x but you can make more to memorized it. after he memorized all the Hiragana letter for 1 Weeks, he do the Katakana for 1 weeks in the same method. after he memorized all Hiragana and Katakana for the 2 weeks he continue to study it because he don't want to forget all the letter.

that's all from Ringo how they learn Hiragana and Katakana

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