Jumaat, 29 April 2016

Let's begin with Introduction

Hello welcome to "Let's Study Japan With Ringo" Website. This website only for to those who really want to study Japanese language with Ringo.

Ringo is the newbie person, who want to learn Japanese language. but he don't have time to learn Japanese language because he too busy with his school assignment and project. but even he busy, he can manage the time to learn Japanese language for 1-2 hour at night time with all of us. So Ringo need your help to improve his japanese language. Not only him the only one who improve the japanese language, it's also you will be get improve your japanese language. But Ringo is not well about English language that's why there have mistake grammar and words on this website.

The reason he want to study Japanese language is  he don't want to read more English subtitle on Japan TV/MOVIE. But Ringo have a hope that he want to take a exam about Japanese language eg.JPLT.

That's all about introduction

And here some picture of Ringo

*Not real face of ringo ;)

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