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Let's study basic Japanese Number 1-20
**Note: This video is form GenkiJapan.Net, it's not made by Ringo please subscribe the channel here if you interested in learning Japanese language. But this is the first video using by Ringo during memorize the Japanese number.
Japanese Number 1-20:
一 = Ichi
二 = Ni
三 = San
四 = Shi/Yon
五 = Go
六 = Roku
七 = Nana (Shichi)
八 = Hachi
九 = Kyu
十 = Jyu
十一 = Jyu ichi
十二 = Jyu ni
十三 = Jyu san
十四 = Jyu yon
十五 = Jyu go
十六 = Jyu roku
十七 = Jyu nana (Shichi)
十八 = Jyu hachi
十九 = Jyu kyu
二十 = Ni jyu
So good luck with the memorized the number and That's it from Ringo.